Sunday, 27 November 2016

Some Important Tips To Increase The Website Speed


As many of us have visited various Online Shopping website and many of them take much time to load which losses the user's interest, so to overcome this the web designers must work over the website speed because creating a good layout and content is not enough.

Some important tips that would help the web designer to improve their website speed:

  • Reduce HTTP Request :- By including images,  scripts ,  style sheets affects the loading speed of a website.  One should remove the elements from their website which are not necessary.
  • Reduce Redirect :- As the number of HTTP Request increases it would directly increase the number of redirect and will eventually take more time in loading.
Read more about Some Important Tips To Increase The Website Speed visit FindNerd.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Parallax Scrolling to Content using CSS


Scrolling Effects will be easy now by using the parallax site, that will able to scroll the two section smoothly between the two content div.

We can used three div for setting the different images in the background.

The caption heading can be used for displaying the heading, user can use the text to it.

The user text will float with the scroll and this effects add beauty to the content of the div.

Read more about Parallax Scrolling to Content using CSS visit FindNerd.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Introduction to JSON Web Tokens


With API becoming so popular these days thanks to SPA base applications, it was also required to keep these APIs secure. So the most popular of securing api's is token based authentication, whose flow is little bit like this:

  • In the browser User enters his username and password and the request goes from the client application to the server.

  • Server checks for the user, authenticates it and sends a unique token to the user's client application.

So to fix the above problems of the token based authentication JWT came into picture.

JWT's full form is JSON Web Token. It is based on the concept that, it encrypts the authentication information into a compact JSON object, instead of passing the unique token of the user, which was required to be stored in the DB.

Read more about Introduction to JSON Web Token visit FindNerd.